Your Card Message:
Desire is the spark of creativity within. It ignites your Power to create, floods you with passion, inspiration, Strength, courage, and endurance. When you Desire the Universe listens. It goes to work to weave ways opportunity can present and deliver your Desire. When you get clear on what you truly Desire it shows up. There is a difference between thinking you want something and really wanting it. What do you really want? When you feel your Soul begin to stir inside with excitement you will know you are in touch with what you truly Desire.

This is an Insight Card
This is your INSIGHT! It is key topic of focus that can lead to a breakthrough for you in the way you think and are perceiving things. This guidance is a quality that will open doors for you if you focus your awareness on it. It is a key piece of wisdom to assisting you in fulfilling your Desire.

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